WTF is MCT? The oil causing a fuss in health circles -- and how to use it28 Nov, 2017 This article originally appeared on The Second Row We've been hearing a lot about MCT oil in the health arena of late – and so, we thought it was the perfect topic for our new health and wellness series, 'WTF is…', which explains health and wellness trends in normal-people speak. Rachel Finch swears by it – and how could you not believe Finchy? First of all, what does MCT stand for? Well, it stands for Medium Chain Tri-glyceride, and that basically means 'healthy fat'. For a really long time, we've been told fat is bad, but nutritionists now agree, the perfect diet is all based on your individual body type. Now, we’re encouraged to introduce 'healthy fat' into our diet, like avocados, nuts and olive oils, to help sustain energy and actually help you lose weight. Confused? Well, apparently when you consume MCTs and other healthy fats, your body uses them first for energy – rather than storing them for later. This, in turn, increases your metabolism, helping your body to burn more energy. [More on the science here.] To read the full article, click here |