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Essentials Reds Super Cranberry & Raspberry Juice

Essentials Reds Super Cranberry & Raspberry Juice

13 Jan, 2016

Serves 1




¾ cup of Cran-Raspberry juice

¼ cup of Coconut water + extra for raspberry puree

1 tsp. of fresh lime juice

1 heaped tsp. Melrose Organic Essential Reds


Raspberry puree

Handful of frozen raspberries

Splash of coconut water



  1. Combine frozen raspberries with just enough coconut water in a blender and puree until smooth and creamy. Set aside.
  2. In a separate glass, stir through coconut water and Essentials Reds until dissolved*
  3. Add Cran-Raspberry & Lime juice and 1 tbsp. of raspberry puree
  4. Stir through until well combined
  5. Best served chilled
Ensure the juice is consumed immediately to reduce settlement of the powder.

*Please note that due to the nature of this product you may see caking of the Melrose Essential Reds powder. This is normal as all ingredients used are freeze dried and cake when moisture is present. Before use, use your knife to break up the powder.

Melrose uses freeze dried ingredients to ensure that all the nutritional benefits of the ingredients are retained in powder format.

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